A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki

Ser Andrey Dalt is an anointed knight of House Dalt and is the heir to his brother, Ser Deziel Dalt, the Knight of Lemonwood.

Appearance and Character[]

He has an open face and an easy smile.


Andrey has been a close friend of Arianne Martell, the Princess of Dorne, from a young age. Both he and his brother desired to marry her. He experimented sexually with Arianne and her cousin, Tyene Sand, but he got too excited too early.


A Feast for Crows[]

Andrey is part of Arianne's conspiracy to name Princess Myrcella Baratheon as the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, after the death of her brother, King Joffrey I Baratheon. After the conspiracy is exposed, he is arrested by Areo Hotah. He is then sent to Ghaston Grey, a Dornish prison. As punishment for treason, he is sent to Norvos for three years, to join the service of Lady Mellario, the estranged wife of Prince Doran Martell.
